Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday - Day 2 of work back at Enero

Up at 5:45 today...gotta love those birds...breakfast downstairs and off to work at 8 am! We decided to go earlier to try and beat the heat.

But instead of we had rain....and rain.....and more rain!!

When we first got there we noticed that one of the locks had been broken off the door to the first room. We looked inside and couldn´t really tell if anything had been stolen right away....yes...the entire 5 gallon tub of dark green paint - worth 600 lempiras! What a bummer. These guys will steal anything. Al had to go buy more paint.

We finished painting the black metal bars and doors. And then had a little supply difficulty - we were waiting for the dark green paint and ladders so we could get to the top with the light green paint. Along the way lots of kids came and wanted to help. At one point there were just as many Honduran children as there were of us painting. We had to put a stop to it because it was all getting a little bit out of control.

We were all a little frustrated with this painting - we were putting latex paint on top of oil based and it wasn´t really taking. We all had to lower our expectations of perfection....again!.

One coat on....had lunch (same as yesterday except that Scott had fried chicken today).


Michelle C Jordan said...

hey guys! Sounds like you are getting a good flavor of things in Honduras. So sad that someone had to break in to steal paint esp. from their children's school ... and from the volunteers that come down to help them.

Life in Charlotte continues to be the same. Temps are low ... negative 3 as John has taken the boys to school.

I sent some photos of the kids to the newspaper .... and so it goes .... they in the news again. Your daughter is just the cutest!

I love your detailed writing. I can't wait to match it up with all the photos. I think trying to send some photos down to the school is a great idea .... you could send it with pictures of Scott's school, etc .... it would be fun for them to see the contrast.

Miss you and look forward to your next blog!


lws said...

thanks for your comments....
love to know that at least a couple people are writing us!

It´s hard to get on the pc and the connection is so slow it takes FOREVER...

Save me a copy of the News....who´s in the picture?

miss you guys...