Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday - Back to Work - at the PT Center

This is our last day of work. Neither one of us wants to leave. We both want to stay - work more - explore more. It feels like we are leaving in the middle of things.

So off we went to the PT center. We wanted to make sure that we had had an experience at every place. We started the day clipping wire, sawing rebar, carrying cement blocks, sifting sand , clearing out rocks etc. There was a bit of rain but that cleared up and it was sunny and hot!

I could feel the sun starting to burn my back, even though I had 45 on! The sun is so strong down here. Even Scott kept reapplying as he too felt that he was burning. We took breaks, drinking water, sitting down out of the sun and playing around with the kids.

Colin found a scorpion just in the grass in front of the PT Center - that was pretty exciting! They put it on the top to the garbage can and carried it around to show everyone. There was also a boy who biked up with a pet parrot perched on his handle bars - pretty cool. He even let me have the parrot on my finger. (I was glad too have had my gloves on!). Scott thought that was cool too, but not cool enough to put it on his finger as well.

One of the boys hung by Scott all day - it was pretty cute. They shared Scott’s gloves and Scott even gave him some of his food from lunch. For dessert we passed around some strawberry oreo-type cookies that Scott and I had bought at the local supermarket a couple days before. They looked gross but tasted delicious!

There was so much activity at the PT Center that day. I was told, it’s that busy everyday! Parents came with their children all day long - the flow of patients was steady. We saw one family arrive in a pickup truck with the Mom in the front seat with her son literally in a ball on her lap. He must have been a couple years older than Scott and his arms and legs were all folded up around his body. He had Cystic Fibrosis and was there to have his muscles worked on to let him stretch out. When they left - his arms and legs were stretched out. Amazing! (I know I am using all the wrong terms etc - so please excuse any errors).

One family came from across the field with their older son in a wheel chair - it was the only wheel chair we saw. It was pretty modern looking and it was both the Mom and the Dad. They clearly love their children and take such good care of them. These children are so loved! Clean, loved and happy! We can all learn from that!
Working there we also saw a herd of cattle come by us - some pretty cool looking cows, truckloads of green bananas and even a fire truck.

So much to see. So much to soak in. All in days work.

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